Saturday, June 3, 2017

Announcing A New White House Communications Director?

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer started the week beleaguered by rumors he was about to be demoted or fired. He ended it “almost speechless, incapable or unwilling to answer even the most basic questions” about the Trump Administration's policies according to CNN’s editor-at-large Chris Cillizza.

Spicer's clipped answers came on the heels of reports the president is increasingly unhappy with how his press shop has operated, and in the same week that Spicer said he would refer all questions about Russia's meddling in the election to Trump's outside counsel.

Spicer had to remind reporters of that answer on Friday, after he was asked to clarify conversations between Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and a Russian banker in December. "Going forward, all questions on these matters will be referred to outside counsel," he said.

At one point during the briefing, a reporter complained the press secretary wasn't answering questions.

"I don't know where you guys are in finding spokespeople or people who want to respond to those," the reporter said. "That would be helpful."

Mike Dubke, President Trump’s Communications Director is leaving the White House.  He tendered his resignation on May 18.  His last day on the job hasn’t been set but will likely remain until a replacement can be found.

Mr. Met, mascot for the New York Mets, has accepted an offer to take over as White House Communications Director following a rather nasty incident involving a gesture with a middle finger

NOTE FROM OUR ATTORNEYS:   The Mets organization is dealing internally with this matter.  Professionally speaking however, Mr. Met’s “middle” finger and Spicey’s combative attitude are just what this country needs in the age of Trump Derangement Syndrome.  He has the balls.  Much to our chagrin, no such arrangement is in the works.

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